It is not possible to make any changes to your order, once it is placed. That includes changes of address, products, delivery method, etc. This is a prerequisite for us to send your order the day after we receive it.
If your order hasn't left our warehouse, we recommend that you cancel the wrong order and place a new correct order instead.
If we manage to cancel your order before it has left our warehouse, we will not charge you the money. Although the amount will be reserved on your credit card once the order is placed. Note that it can take up to 10 days before your bank or card issuer has released the amount again.
If the parcel has already left our warehouse, you must refuse to receive the package in delivery. If it is delivered to a parcel shop, avoid picking it up.
The package will then automatically be returned to our warehouse, and you can place a new corrected order.
If the order already has left our warehouse, and you have refused the delivery or returned the order, you can expect up to 10 business days of handling from receiving your returned order.
You will receive an e-mail when the refund is completed. The amount will be refunded on the credit card used for the purchase.
If you wish to cancel your order please contact our Customer Service team by clicking on the Help button in the right corner, click on Get in touch then Leave a message and choose Cancelation of order.
Our Customer Service team will check if the parcel has left the warehouse or not, and return to your request by e-mail.