Shipping costs
All shipping costs will be stated in the check-out before you make the final confirmation of your order, and will also be stated in the orderconfirmation.
Local tax rates
All prices are inclusive of VAT and other charges. The product prices are daily prices.
Country code | Rate |
AT | 25,00% |
BE | 25,00% |
BG | 25,00% |
CY | 25,00% |
CZ | 25,00% |
DE | 19,00% |
DK | 25,00% |
EE | 25,00% |
ES | 25,00% |
FI | 25,00% |
FR | 25,00% |
GB | 20,00% |
GR | 25,00% |
HR | 25,00% |
HU | 25,00% |
IE | 25,00% |
IT | 25,00% |
LT | 25,00% |
LU | 25,00% |
LV | 25,00% |
MT | 25,00% |
NL | 25,00% |
NO | 25,00% |
PL | 25,00% |
PT | 25,00% |
RO | 25,00% |
SE | 25,00% |
SI | 25,00% |
SK | 25,00% |
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