Great news! You've received a voucher, making shopping even more enjoyable!
To use your voucher, simply enter it at checkout. On the right side of the screen, you'll see an order summary and a box labeled "Discount Code." Enter your voucher code there, and your order total will be updated accordingly. Please note that vouchers cannot be applied after an order is confirmed and paid.
If your voucher isn't working, please check the terms provided in the email you received. It may be due to one of the following reasons:
- The voucher is only valid for specific products, people, or countries.
- The voucher has an expiration date.
- The voucher does not include free shipping.
- The voucher has already been used.
Please note that you can't use two different vouchers for one order.
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Get in touch with our Customer Service team by clicking on the Help button in the right corner, click on Get in touch then Leave a message, and choose your subject. Our Customer Service team will return to your request by e-mail.